Here at Kopp Digital – we are your boutique growth partner where innovation meets integrity. At the heart of our mission is a commitment to maximizing your profits while maintaining unwavering transparency and authenticity. We pride ourselves on bridging the gap between modern 'agency results' and the time-honored principles of genuine agency relationships.

What sets us apart? From the jump, you collaborate directly with the individuals you converse with, fostering a unique and personalized experience throughout the entire process. We prioritize open communication and transparency, ensuring that your brand's vision is not only understood but projected to the world with unmatched precision.

At Kopp Digital, we're not just a service provider – we're your dedicated partners in growth, committed to delivering exceptional service quality and unparalleled results. Embark with us on a journey where success transcends mere numbers, reaching new heights as we scale your revenue and cultivate a thriving business relationship together. We're not just about achieving goals; we're here to amplify your success and foster a partnership that grows with every milestone.

Our values

At Kopp Digital, we firmly believe that transparency is the cornerstone of any thriving business relationship. For us, transparency entails ensuring you comprehend precise timing and rationale behind every decision. Our goal is to portray your vision of your brand to the world.
Integrity is the linchpin of strong business relationships, forging trust and authenticity. It ensures ethical conduct, transparency, and consistent delivery on promises. By prioritizing honesty and fairness, integrity becomes the compass navigating challenges, fostering enduring alliances based on doing what is right
Simplicity is our guiding principle, shaping every aspect of our business. We prioritize clarity, ensuring you always know who you're working with, understand our strategies, and appreciate the reasons behind our actions. Our commitment to simplicity means clear communication, avoiding unnecessary complexity, and providing you with a transparent and accessible experience.
Performance is our foundation. As a performance-based company, our enduring partnerships reflect our commitment to delivering tangible results. We grow with you, and our sustained success relies on high-level performance. If we're not delivering, our collective growth is compromised. Your success is our priority, and our unwavering dedication to top-notch performance underscores our long-term client relationships

Ian Kopp - CEO/Founder

I'm Ian, the Founder and CEO of Kopp Digital. If you're intrigued by stories of entrepreneurial journeys, I've got one to share. The individual on the right in the photo is me, Ian. Though the picture is from this year, my marketing journey began over 5 years ago when I was around 15. Remarkably, I launched my first business at 13 – a dropshipping store (which, yes, didn't quite pan out as expected, shocker!). One day, while scrolling through social media, I stumbled upon Tai Lopez, who introduced me to SMMA (social media marketing agency). I was immediately captivated. Long story short, I invested my allowance money into his course, setting the stage for my journey. After completing the course, I secured my initial clients and soon discovered the challenges were more demanding than anticipated. Yet, I persevered, intermittently, for a few years until fully committing in the past 2-3 years.

Since then, I've collaborated with over 40 companies, generated millions for my clients, built a team of 4, and take immense pride in the quality service we provide. Our vision it to change the way people look at “agencies“ by focusing on relationships and results with and for our clients. We take pride on knowing all of our customers closely and projecting their vision of  their brands to the world.


We’re the best at what we do

So hopefully we could get out point across. At the end of the day, we are very happy with the service we provide and hope we can do the same for you!

Our Team

We Can Do This Together

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